David, Jennifer, Brianna and Emma

Monday, January 4, 2010

America the Beautiful by Emma

I really wish I had thought to turn the TV off before I started recording but hopefully it isn't too loud. Emma was so proud to be recorded...she is a cutie pie if I say so myself. :)


  1. aww...I'm a little bummed because I can't hear it!! As usual, it's probably a user-error...I'll come back and try it again later! I love your blog! I am thinking of converting to blogspot...I like the layouts her better than on wordpress. Dara's blog is on blogspot also. Wondering how hard that would be...hmmm....

  2. My blog is on blogspot too. And Allison's. You should check them out Janelle!!

    Jen- love the video!! What a cutie pie!

  3. YAY! I heard it this time!! LOVE IT!! :) VERY GOOD EMMA!
